Sitemap - 2023 - The spying game: China's global network

China upgrades diplomatic ties with close US ally Colombia

China wants to mobilise entire nation in counter-espionage

China Sells Fentanyl for Cryptocurrencies

Hackers target Chinese-speaking Microsoft users with ‘RedDriver’ browser hijacker

China Refuses to Renegotiate Suriname’s Unpayable Debt

China moves in next door: Beijing is building an electronic eavesdropping facility on Cuba just 100miles from the Florida coast that will be able to scoop up military secrets

Italy police arrest 40 mafia suspects for drug smuggling via Chinese money brokers

The growing Chinese investment in illegal American weed

China Is Aggressively Expanding Its Influence In Latin America

New Report: Trapped - China’s Expanding Use of Exit Bans

China's exit bans multiply as political control tightens under Xi

China Renews Embrace of Maduro’s Venezuela as the US Looks On

Schiphol a transit port for illegal jaguar trade to China, say wildlife organizations

The Challenges of Conducting Open Source Research on China

Race to the Bottom: China and the Self-Defeating Logic of Transactional Diplomacy in the Americas

Exclusive: New Twitter disinfo campaign targeting 2 Chinese activists

Leaked documents show Russia and China’s reach in Latin America and the Caribbean

Mexico asked China for help curbing illicit fentanyl shipments. China says there are none

China and Cuba Agree on ‘A Long-term Strategic Relationship’ in Cybersecurity

China’s Consulate in L.A. Pays Protesters to Disrupt Kevin McCarthy’s Meeting with Taiwanese President

Mexico asks China for help on fentanyl, slams US critics

Millions of People's Daily copies recalled after Xi Jinping’s name gets omitted

‘I’ve never seen anything like this:’ One of China’s most popular apps has the ability to spy on its users, say experts

How Chinese Private Security Companies in Africa Differ From Russia’s

China, Russia Target Audiences with Deep Fakes

After Doling Out Huge Loans, China Is Now Bailing Out Countries

Brazil negotiates with China for the agricultural transformation of the country

Brazil negotiates with China for the agricultural transformation of the country

Will China Become the World’s Technology Superpower?

Jinping and his friends

Russia Is Fueling China’s Nuclear Weapons Expansion

China’s new defense minister is a general the US sanctioned for buying Russian weapons

US generals warn China is aggressively expanding its influence in South America and the Caribbean

Pentagon sees giant cargo cranes as possible Chinese spying tools

Brazil wants to start building a new satellite with China in six months

IntelBrief: The Complexities of an Economic Rift with China

China’s Transnational Repression and Modern Slavery in Italy

Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic, Energy Department Now Says

China Misreads the Room in Munich

China and Mexico refuse to cooperate with US against fentanyl suppliers, federal officials say

China’s Network of Ports Grows in Latin America

Industrial espionage: How China sneaks out America's technology secrets

US-China chip war: America is winning

Afghanistan's Taliban administration to sign oil extraction deal with Chinese company

China Pressures Argentina to Build Naval Base